Our Values » Our Educational Imperatives

Our Educational Imperatives

It is the school’s vision and goal that the following five educational imperatives—which we have committed to champion for all our students and families at Alta Loma Christian School, both now and in the future—will continue to grow and be realized in ever-greater, God-honoring ways:
  1. Christ-centered, biblical worldview. We commit to educate every child in an atmosphere that centers on the reality of Jesus Christ and the truth of His Word, the Bible. Believing that all truth is God’s truth, we commit to teach, coach, encourage, and disciple each child in the context of a biblical, Christian worldview. This gives them an unchanging standard, a compass to navigate the storms of life by with wisdom and success, regardless of circumstance. And it gives them the only view of the world and life that is absolutely accurate and true. We continually strive to deepen the results of this commitment in the lives of our students.
  2. Academic excellence and rigor. Curriculum and instruction that are standards-based, engaging, and aimed at higher level thinking skills are essential for student performance. We commit to accomplish this through academic excellence and rigor that appropriately challenges each student to achieve in accordance with their gifts, abilities, effort, and growth, and to construct their knowledge in such a way as to maximize and optimize their learning. We envision causing our students to learn in ever-increasing and elevated ways, in an academic atmosphere that is consistently engaging, collaborative, and creative.
  3. Safety. The health, safety, and welfare of every student in all grade levels at ALCS is a priority. Our children are our most precious treasures, dearly loved by God, by their families, and by our entire staff. We commit to the safety and welfare of every child, physically, spiritually, and socially. In addition to a gated facility, our new state-of-the-art video security system helps provide ever-greater safety for all of our students, each of whom has been created in the image of God.
  4. Strong family-school relationships. Creating a vibrant community of faith, learning, and care is dependent upon family-school relationships, relationships that deepen and sweeten with time. We commit to continue building strong family-school relationships marked by trust, loyalty, respect, and love. We are cultivating a school community where students, families, staff, and church members flourish together in fellowship, in greater and more meaningful ways over time.
  5. Leading the way in 21st century skills. In an age of tremendous and accelerating change, schools must teach 21st skills to help ensure the future success of our children. Being aware of leading-edge educational research and the development of instructional methods that will best serve students is essential. We are laying the foundations for these 21st century skills through initiating innovative instruction, programs, activities, and opportunities designed to prepare our students for the exciting challenges ahead, in the context of a distinctly Christian worldview. We are continually developing a learning community that uniquely equips our students in ever-increasing ways to acquire—and excel in—the skills needed for 21st century life, and to grow in favor with both God and man in the process. This can be encapsulated in the following:
21st Century Skills.
1st Century Faith.